“Aizu Free Wi-Fi” Available

Free Wi-Fi is available for use at the following tourist facilities, information offices, etc. (The “Aizu Free Wi-Fi” Logo will be displayed.)

Aizu Keikodo (adult education center) https://goo.gl/maps/tMKe9LxPZo62
Tsurugajo Castle https://goo.gl/maps/oUU27cJdrJ52
Oyakuen Garden https://goo.gl/maps/N2BmUdwGsMD2
Aizuwakamatsu Station Tourist Information Center https://goo.gl/maps/4sjxe4aDiFx
Iimoriyama Tourist Information Center https://goo.gl/maps/ZGF7Abfkeew
Aizu Machikata History Museum https://goo.gl/maps/8cBk2jVYef72
Select “Aizu_Free_Wi-Fi” on the Wi-Fi setting screen of your smart phone or tablet device, using the following connection procedure as reference. (consent to the Terms and Agreements Statement is required for use.)
How to Connect to “Aizu Free Wi-Fi”
You can connect to the internet using the following connection procedure. Browsing will be enabled after the guest page has been displayed.
(Re-login will be required after 3 hours. You can connect to the service up to 3 times per day. )
①From the Wi-Fi Settings Screen, select “Aizu_Free_Wi-Fi”.
②Once the browser has launched, Press the connect button. Once you have read the Terms and Agreements Statement, click the “I Agree” button once.
③Once you have connected to the Internet, you may begin browsing.
※ When using the Wi-Fi network, communication which is not encrypted may be intercepted. Please be aware of this information before connecting to the service.

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