The Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Hall/ The Aizu Ichiban-kan Café

The youth of the world famous medical scientist, Hideyo Noguchi

The first floor of the former clinic, where the great doctor Hideyo Noguchi first received an operation for his left hand, is now a café. In his youth, Hideyo spent his time as a student at Kaihiyo Clinic, where he acquired his will to study and his burning ambition. Various belongings of Hideyo Noguchi are also on display.

【TEL】0242-27-3750 【Business hours】8:00~20:00 【Regular holiday】January 1st

【Fee】The Hideyo Noguchi Memorial Hall:100yen(As of March 1, 2017)

【Access】close to the Haikara-san "Noguchi Hideyo Seishun-kan Mae" bus stop

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